Wednesday, August 31, 2011

(85) The Twitter Chronicles: 2

I wait in delicious anticipation


Let's be honest,
I should be asleep.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


there's something horrible going on here
some sort of horseplay that must
be bad for the status quo
something even a copper penny
face up on the ground can't resolve
and the doctor will inevitably hammer
the coffin closed before the singing's end

Monday, August 29, 2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Hufflepuffs are particularly good finders

I turned in my library books.
Or did I?
Was that yesterday or a dream?
I get confused.

Sometimes I find myself shaken
with images
I don’t know if I created
or really saw.

I wake gasping
covered with spiders
or falling into light.

Did they see us?
They definitely saw us.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011


the rest is silence

only because death is
literally (literarily)
the only way to make Hamlet
shut up

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


il y a quelque chose d'étrange
à l'attente

éphémère et éternelle

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Sunlight on my face
Is warm upon my eyelids,
Casting black shadows

The books in their row
Sit on my shelf in silence—
Speaking without sounds

Orange and trembling
A leaf falls from a tree branch.
I put out the lamp

Darkness conceals you
The light consumed by absence.
Stars twinkle and fade

Moon in a blue sky.
Shadow of an owl poised
In the night’s brightness

Monday, August 22, 2011


You may not play
If Ever I Would Leave You
at my funeral.

In case you were wondering.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


and all I hear is the rushing
and the breathing
and then the silence

Saturday, August 20, 2011


ne t'inquiète pas.

il parle,
mais tout ce que j'entends--
c'est l'afflux de sang

Friday, August 19, 2011


The gadabout’s rag vacillates between
knowing and not knowing. Time
stretches and squeezes ad infinitum—
laborious and an earful. What
tablet could contain such conundrums?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

(72) 2

Treatment? Loglines?
Two shots and counting.
I am part sponge,

Listening to two guys having a
Serious discussion about beer pong.
Good thing drinking is socially acceptable tonight.

I should buy a thing of food.
One thing of food?
No, one thing of many foods.
Glad we cleared that up.

Today I learned that Christianity does not exist.
Weird class.
But you’re a barber,
so I guess it’s legit.

My colors are blush and bashful.
I’m writing and reading and writing.
We should play jeopardy and learn salsa,
Weekends suck.

Wait, this can’t be right.
Where have you taken us, Phillipe?
The calm before the storm?
Should I buy an umbrella?

I ran into a bonfire yesterday.
We can quibble about what to call it
But I think we can agree
It’s creepy.

Death? I’d do it again.

(71) 1

This is no place for a girl on fire.

Is that pathetic? Probably.
But I feel like I can take over the world.
Mine could be a good life,
Guarding the fire.

I wish some parts of my life were out of boxes
It takes forever to unpack (sixteen days)
But it doesn’t matter when I come home
You won’t be there.

I ate fried butter. It was delicious.
But I had a surprisingly good time in the ER.
Happy birthday and junk.

Ugh. This isn’t werking very well,
The post vaccine achy body blahs
Perhaps today I’ll finally buy that long awaited coffee
Or pumpkin pie ice cream back in Nac

Kitty in the trashcan
Chasing a new mouse (the computer kind)
And having coffee with a lap dag and Charles Dickens.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


She sat there for a long time.
Long enough to wish that she’d though to bring her jacket.
Just as she was about to give in and sneak inside to warm up,
a body planted itself next to her on the fence.
She knew it was him, but he didn’t say anything.
He just sat a few feet away, staring into the distance.
They sat there, silent, as the minutes passed with an excruciating slowness.
He broke the silence, his words cutting through the black.
She just nodded, not thinking to wonder if he could see the movement.
She wasn’t sure her voice would work.
They walked to the car.
He opened the door and she slipped into the passenger seat,
glancing back at the house that blazed with light.
The door slammed shut.

Monday, August 15, 2011

(69) Dizzy

She thinks that it's a brand new day, and the sun is high.
All the birds are singin' that they can’t wait can’t wait can’t wait!
In the middle of the night he kisses my forehead ♥ ♥
Feeling better about this now than ever,
I feel dizzy while caught in the inbetween...a beautiful disaster.
Awake almost a week, she is powerless against apathy,
Pondering all thoughts and dreaming of a happier future.
She misses the sunrise and screeeaaaammms!!!!!
Back in TC she knows it’s not the easy way, but it’s the cowboy way.
Reading, feeling better now, she still needs to find a home for this darling little kitten
She is hushed, positive that today is going to be fantastic!

*A blast from the past. My first Facebook poem. It's rather silly, but I'm fond of it.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


I have a lot of questions

it's very distracting
but what
can I do about it

funny how it helps
when you hold my hand
(everything wibbles
(that's not even a proper word))

don't get me wrong
the questions are still there
(you can't fix that
the questioning)
but somewhere along the way
I realized
the universe is ridiculous
and that's okay

Saturday, August 13, 2011

(67) 3

snap out of it

we can’t make things nice
not like they told you

we break our hearts
make messes
don’t understand
ruin ourselves in the process of being in relation

Friday, August 12, 2011

(66) 2

complete is a question
a missing rib
a whole to be filled
to be chased

complete is a joke
of the present and the future
a goal to be put away
to be forgotten

complete could never be
a monument to justice
a moment lost to all
to be lost on none

complete is a question

Thursday, August 11, 2011

(65) shuffle weave

she bobs the thread
and weaves the step
stomps through to the
paradiddle pace
with crinoline wings
and buffalo pins
in spinning sarsenet grace

with buckling steps
the corduroy drag
draws back
the twill and the lace
to shuffle
spank stitch and attach
the hem to his wandering chase

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


because he could
he asked the obvious question
but I can't make up shit this weird
his bluff failed as if on cue
and existence lapsed into infinity

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I don't know
she says
as if knowing
means something
as if meaning
means something
or at least
knows something
she doesn't

and she isn't
at all sure
she wants to
know something
or anything
if knowing
means meaning
or understanding

Monday, August 8, 2011

(62) frostbite

that first summer was disconcerting
she'd reach out to touch his face
and feel nothing
but she knew he felt
and that was enough

she could hide it when she tried
pretending is easy with practice
and the trembling ceased with time
but he knew all the same
worried he wasn't enough

she worried too
wondered if this was normal
the seeping numbness
inching from fingertips
to hands
to knees
(and lips)

but she smiled anyway
hoping she was enough
willing him to be

Saturday, August 6, 2011


i want you

the you everyone else sees
not even
the you you show me
(holding my hand with a secret smile)


i want the you that exists
when you think no one is watching

the you that
not the you that

Friday, August 5, 2011


Must we waffle on, here?
If raccoons ride on UFOs
and zap into the night,
what kind of xenogenesis occurs?
What mutations of magnanimous machinations?

Thursday, August 4, 2011


                                                                      what i see in your eyes
                                                                              (the soul of your dreams)
                                                               is everything
                                                                     (despite anything i know)
                                                   is the hand of grace
                                                               (different than the true light)
                                      perhaps temporary
                                                   (but part of yesterday and tomorrow)
                    (it is worth perhaps)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

(57) 6 am

in the
                             beside you


           or anything


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011

(55) 17

just beginning in our minds, we follow imagining—feeling. words, able to bring worlds life, are novel. now the pen plays, tears out words, becomes. behind writing is the push. moving. tearing history. forming new.